Alison Jane Harley

- botanical and floral artist -

Daisies …

“April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet” Sara Coleridge (1802 – 1852)

Bellis perennis

daisy; common lawn daisy


There has been an explosion of daisies this year. I know it is almost mid May but the daisies have been blooming prolifically since mid March and are a joyous sight.

I get excited by the sight of delicate new shoots and bursts of colour in springtime, as plants emerge – young, fresh and full of promise.

This spring hasn’t disappointed, filling woodlands and parks with wood anemones (blue and white), celandine and primroses, all of which bloomed for ages and now the garden is bursting with blossom too. However, it is the daisies that are particularly enthralling because they are absolutely prolific. They are everywhere!!

Daisies bring happy childhood memories of sitting in the long grass lacing the stems to create bracelets and tiaras, and, competitions to see who could make the longest daisy chain.  It is beautiful to see them, the parks and gardens look as though they have been covered in a soft fall of snow. A carpet of white that is something quite spectacular. Almost two months later they are still looking as fresh as … daisies.

Daisy chains and bracelets

Possibly as a result of grass verges, fields and parks being tended less during Covid lockdown, wild flowers and grasses have thrived and this may be why we are seeing such a wonderful display of daisies, this year. A great source of nectar for pollinators such as small bees and insects when there is not quite so much in bloom early in the year and a continuing supply throughout the year.

Like a light covering of snow

It’s interesting to come across the quote by Sara Coleridge heralding their appearance in April. I also thought they bloomed then too – perhaps that’s climate change because they have definitely been in abundance since March. Everything seems earlier each year.

I thought I’d share my daisy day.  

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1 Comment

  1. Jill 17th June 2024

    Love your daisy day and lovely daisy chains. Thanks for such beautiful memories.

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